Flat Belly Diet Plan

Flat Belly Diet Plan : What It Is...

The Flat Belly Diet sounds like a wish come true. Who would not love to have a flat belly without the strenuous work outs and just by eating certain foods?

The Flat Belly Diet initiated by Liz Vaccariello and Cynthia Sass assures you of a flat belly and weight loss of up to 15 pounds in 32 days. According to the book and the authors a flat belly is just about food & attitude. The diet is targeted at people who want to notch off a few inches or more off their waistline.

This diet plan stresses on eating wholesome, unrefined foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, seeds, lean protein, and very little red meat (once a month). The authors assert that monounsaturated fat, or MUFA, at every meal of Flat Belly Diet is the ingredient that leads to loss of belly fat. Olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, soybean, flax, and olive and sunflower oils are rich in MUFA. Besides this the MUFA help to control satiety as well.

Before you start the diet you are put on a 1,200- to 1400-calorie, four-day anti-bloat jump-start period. This period aims to reduce bloating and get you adjusted to a healthier eating plan. In this jump-start you will be advised to drink  2 liters of daily "sassy water." This drink contains a blend of spices, herbs, citrus, and cucumber. According to the authors of flat belly diet the flavored water reduces bloating, constipation, and makes you feel better and active.

You may do exercise of you want but the book has an entire chapter is devoted to the flat belly workout.

The Flat Belly Diet: What You Can Eat

During the diet you will eat four, 400-calorie meals spaced every four hours. Each meal contains foods rich in MUFA. As there is a food list and the portion size--you do not have to worry about calories. You have to choose from a list of 28 interchangeable mix-and-match breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snack packs. The recipes included in the diet are analyzed for calories, and nutrient contents (protein, carbohydrates, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and fiber).

The Flat Belly Diet: How It Works

According to the Flat Belly Diet daily calorie intake of 1,600 calories with MUFA at every meal, regular schedule of eating (every four hours), and regular exercise (although this is not compulsory) will eventually cause weight loss and belly fat.

According to experts loss of belly fat on the Flat Belly Diet, is not because of the MUFAs but due to overall weight loss. When you lose weight you will lose it in your midsection as well regardless of your diet plan.  This kind of diet plan is good for people with irregular eating habits like people who skip meals or don't eat breakfast.

The Flat Belly Diet: What the Experts Say

According to experts losing belly fat is important—extra fat on the belly increases your risk of cardiovascular. Not only belly fat but any kind of excess fat increases your risk of chronic diseases. Experts do not consider that MUFA leads to loss of belly fat. According to them loss of belly fat on the Flat Belly Diet occurs due to overall weight loss.

Several advices in the book is questioned by experts like--- jump-start plan associated with stress, gum chewing, bulky raw foods or MUFA leading to loss of belly fat. There is no scientific research behind a lot of advice in the book on Flat Belly Diet. However inclusion of healthy foods in the diet is practical.

Many of the foods included in the diet plan are high in calorie so you have to watch out for your portion size. It is easy to over eat and get excess calories than required. Experts consider that the initial weight loss (15 pounds in 32 days....)